Saturday, September 1, 2012

8/28/12 -  Beth (lil 'traveler), it was so great connecting with you.  I knew that I needed to hear about your trip to Africa. Certain things are clearly meant to be and our visit was clearly that. The lion necklace with glowing ice blues eyes draped around your neck immediately captured my attention upon seeing you, and I feel quite honored that you have given me permission to share your story in my blog.  I will do my best here to convey our conversation. 

It began with dreams of Africa and progressed to dreams of "big white cats that looked like lions." These dreams came during a transitional period in your life (career and love life), and when three people, none of whom knew one another, suggested you visit a well-respected psychic in Baltimore, you did. Though you did not mention these dreams to her, she knew right off that you were being called to Africa, and more specifically, to Timbavati, home to the white lions. She also directed you to supposedly the oldest calendar on Earth located not far from the land of the white lions. This led you to the story of Linda Tucker from South Africa who authored the book, Mystery of the White Lions: Children of the Sun God.  To quote in part an Amazon review, "white lions have a long and sacred history in Africa and their recent reappearance in the wild signifies earth-changing events to come." After visiting the psychic, you prayed about how to go about seeing these white lions.  A couple days later while sharing what had evolved from your dream, a friend mentioned she had just received a flyer about a trip being organized to visit the White Lions of Africa.  I can totally relate when you said that upon hearing this you almost fell off your chair! ... I can't believe you didn't!  ... then to find out that the trip was leaving from Baltimore!  (the town where you live).  Clearly this trip was being handed to you on a silver platter!
This sequence of events following your dream occurred last September with two weeks on the Land of the White Lions!  The trip was magical!   The lions roamed free, although they are monitored to some degree because they are exceptionally rare and poaching in the area is common.  The White Lions have existed in African legends forever. White lions are indigenous only in the Timbavati region of South Africa.
 You blew me away when you told me that you and a group of 11 others meditated together with the free roaming white lions, and felt no fear whatsoever within the group while doing so. You said that every night before sleep you could feel your consciousness being downloaded with sacred knowledge from the lions.  It is difficult to interpret now, and yet you know that you are changed because of it.  What a vacation!
After returning in April from your extraordinary trip with no intention of returning to Africa, you acknowledged the deep inner knowing that you are to transition from your job and wonder what is next. While in that space of wonderment in June, you connected with a medicine woman named Mbali Creazzo, whom you met in April  in Timbavati and who is the inspiration behind the New York Times best selling book 29 Gifts, featured on the Today Show.  More information is available at  Our Divine Medicine is dedicated to the teaching and preservation of Indigenous wisdom.
Through conversation with Mabali you learned more about the White Lion Leadership Academy training and you decide to return to the land and to this academy.
Such an extraordinary experience that continues to unfold ~ I am deeply inspired ~ and hearing it brings forth the following words from my soul as a reminder to us all ~
It is a time of great change,
                            Great Promise

                                        Great Mystery
                                                 Each of us play an important part.

 Beth, thanks for suggesting that we meet at The Great Sage in Clarksvlle, MD!  Perfect place and great food!  Love this photo of you and the wall hanging Tree of Life!

 *For those who are reading this blog, to learn more about Beth and what's she's up to since her return from Africa, I invite you to visit her website at


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