Tuesday, November 20, 2012

11/20/12 - Sitting quietly in my very own space - just what I needed this morning.  Checked out of the Albuquerque hostel at 10:30 this morning and invited myself to just 'Be' for a while to gather my thoughts and resources.  Keeping up with blogging often has me up late, way too late, like last night.  The circles under my eyes reflect that and so I am naming today 'mellow day.'

Living the Spaces in between
Breathing with the Great Unknown
Sensing a specific direction sometimes
Other times having absolutely no clue
Being * Doing * Flowing * Knowing
Dancing to the beat of faith and trust
giving way to form and focus
Above all, open to change
Step by Step
Breath by Breath
This is my Traveling Motto.

In just a little while I am feeling to go to the  nearby Unity Church for an afternoon gathering called
"Emergence inspired by the teachings of Barbara Marx Hubbard."  This is a favorite theme of mine  and relative to all of us living on Planet Earth.  This is the great time of Planetary Awakening.  Seconds after typing this, I just noticed that my Oklahoma sister Betty just sent me the following email - another valuable and affirming synchronicity to pass on.  Thanks Betty!

So.... I found my way to Unity of Albuquerque with the help of my GPS (thanks to the generous gift of Connie C!).  Upon arrival, the class was cancelled because of minimal attendance.  Immediately wonderment arose from within me questioning spirit, now what? Moments later a smiling face  named Helen invited me to lunch and I accepted. The food was scrumptious and our visit was glorious!  Like a puzzle, we offered one another supportive pieces through the exchange of  personal experiences, spiritual vision, creative resources and connections to enhance and uplift one another's spirit earth walk.    Thank you Helen for a wonderful visit! Unfortunately in transferring photos, I lost the wonderful photo of us so it seems we will have to rely on our memory. I am happy to insert a different photo if you would like to email me one.

Living a life predominately open to the moment, I never really know how and when one dot of connection shall lead to another, and then like magic all of a sudden a resonant connection falls in my lap.  My connection with Helen today was just that!  The birth of a new friendship! Basically the morale of this story is a reminder to have faith and trust in not only the steps but the spaces in between.
When I walked out of the restaurant, I was surprised to see that afternoon had become twilight.  Because I prefer not to drive at night, it was easiest and quickest to return to the Albuquerque hostel for tonight.  Returning here for the 3rd night feels like coming home where a familiar evening routine awaits: dinner, blogging and bed.  Just moments after typing these words in walks Nellie, my hostel roommate these past few nights.  Nellie is a joy to be around.  We chat and laugh at the community dining room table and get ready to hit the dorm around the same time.  Both of us still seem to be adjusting to the time differences, she from Chicago and I from CT.  When 8:30 rolls around we both concur that it feels more like 11:30.

Oh no! Oh yes.......Just before heading to bed, I discovered that I have maxed the number of my photos I can upload to this blog, which means I can either pay for a larger storage OR continue free blogging by setting up a new blog.  I'm choosing the later. Thank goodness for hostel roommate Rorie who has offered to walk me through the process of creating a new (continued) blog.    
             Thank You Rorie!!!

Blog readers, 
You will still be able to access my first Blog from 8-16-12 to 11/20/12.
My new blog continues as of 11/21/12.


This is the END of this blog 
click on the link below.
It will take you to my continued blog.


Monday, November 19, 2012

11/19/12 - After being in the small village of Jemez Springs, I feel somewhat in culture shock in this large and commercial city of Albuquerque.

Spent the day browsing and doddling for quiet-like activities and ended up at the botanical gardens and aquarium.  The gardens were a disappointment (it's so late in the season), although I enjoyed the peaceful walk and the dragon entrance.

Standing at the garden wishing well
I recall the magic of my youth.
Throwing a penny into the welcoming waters
still conjurs up an innocent child-like thrill!


 At the aquarium I was transfixed by the stingrays. 
What amazing creatures they are. 

This stingray seemed to be as fascinated with me as much as I was with it
splashing the top of the water, exposing its underbelly
with deep set eyes following my every move.

Walked around Albuquerque's Old Town.  Relaxed in this beautiful historic San Felipe de Neri Church.  The oldest church in Albuquerque founded in 1706, followed by several renovations.

My heart sighed upon seeing this encased replica of Jesus.
Memories of my Catholic upbringing flooding in.
Sitting non-judgmentally, I heard these words rise up
from the silence within me:

Your heart is heavy with history
The invasions and ridicules
through many periods of time.
Let is all go
and shine your light
knowing that you must only move forward
where the tide is turning.

The seed within the circle
pulsing everything together
unites the ancient and the new.

New Voice & Vision
hand prints & footsteps
are yielding new beginnings.

The way is being paved
listen and feel into the silence
where the Truth of Light
Sacred of Heart dwells.

More browsing and doddling in Old Town.  I never tire of adobe buildings and desert landscape.
My spirit feels at home.  I had my first cactus fries, prickly pear cactus ice tea and the best fish tacos ever!

By mid-afternoon my energy was waning from doing the tourist thing, and that was only from combing a very small number of galleries and shops amidst several blocks. Shopping for me is not as much about buying than it is connecting.  What gives my life such deep meaning and quality is that  my built in beautiful people antennae seeks out and attracts beautiful souls with whom I can share an instantaneous resonant connection.  As a soul essence artist, it gives me great pleasure to attract other soul-inspired artists. With that said, I met David Behren today from Painted Sky Gallery and Gifts.  The depth of connection eye to eye, soul to soul is what I call optimum living.  These are the connections that I live for.  As I told David before departing the gallery, his work is so incredible there are no words to describe.  
 See for yourself!
Check out David's work at:
 www.facebook.com/Painted Sky Gallery 
Certainly if you find yourself in Albuquerque
visit Painted Sky

Back at the Albuquerque hostel for another good night's sleep...to my surprise in walks Charlie (a  young woman from England) who was my hostel roommate in Memphis, Tennessee.  Yes indeed, it's a connected world!

                                                                       Hostel Mural

Thank you Rte 66 hostel for the clean, restful, hospitable stay.

Hostels are the way to go!
Absolutely hostels are this traveler's way!

Sunday, November 18, 2012

11/18/12 - I was reminded that Thanksgiving is just around the bend as I enjoyed a thanksgiving potluck feast following a Church of Light service today in Albuquerque, New Mexico.  The Church of Light promotes the Brotherhood of Light books and courses by C.C. Zain on the Hermetic Sciences, Astrology, Alchemy, Tarot and Kabbalah. Attending this service was a brand new experience for me and a gracious invitation that I accepted. Today's inspirational message highlighted the Spirit of Adventure, Spontaneity, break from routine. This message surely rang true and I am thankful for having attended.

As quoted by Heller Keller: 
"Life is either a daring adventure or nothing."   

Thank you Lara for the Spirit reading.  Your intuitive wisdom, skill and empowered gentle energy is such a blessing and your words below are of great support.  
I picture you safe, protected, basking in your reflected light, and making magnificent ripples in the world as you connect along the way.  Renya, you are indeed an inspiration and I'm glad your work is acknowledging that openly, graciously, enthusiastically in your gentle way.  ("I see you!").  Love, Lara

I have no clue a this time where I will be on Thanksgiving Day.  A part of me would me would love to hop on a plane and spend the day with my family in Connecticut, although my inner sense it that I am to remain on my journey, while holding close to my heart many loved ones, and as with everyday trust that I am and will be exactly where I am meant to be. There is so very much to be grateful for and my gratitudes could probably fill an entire book. 

With the Spirit of Giving Thanks singing in my heart, just moments ago, I received the following email from a parent in the community where I used to work.  My heart is sweetly touched by the gesture.

Happy Thanksgiving Renya.  You have given me a wonderful way to be Thankful.  I have never been to a blog, as I read through and learned about the land and read as you expressed your feelings, I felt as though I was on the journey with youMay you continue to enjoy your journey and thank you for this.  -Kim (Sam's Mom)     

To quote my  past co-worker Holly, " I'm dragging my wagon."  The clock reads 8:15 pm and  my body says 11:30.  Still adjusting to the high altitudes. As much as I'd like to write more tonight, look at maps, and consider possible next steps, I find that what I need to do more than anything else is to complete this blog and go to bed.  I'm staying at the Rte 66 Hostel in Albuquerque, my bed is made, I'm eager to dive in between the sheets and snooze away. 

One more thing.....

Thanks to friend Glen, today I was gifted a most beautiful one-of-a-kind Jemez Pueblo pottery piece.  Specifically, a wedding vase.  I have always been attracted to this vase shape and most grateful to now have a very special one.  Thank you Flo from Sun & Fire Pottery House for personalizing the painted image to reflect my red road name Rainbow Feather. 

My eyelids are dramatically drooping and it has come that time to say goodnight.  

Saturday, November 17, 2012

11/17/12 - Today was my last day in Jemez Springs.  Tomorrow morning I head for Albuquerque.  So, today I sauntered about the sweet and funky little village of Jemez - just a few blocks long.
 Stories and Dreams are the Seeds of the Future

Thank you for the Prayer Flags.
 I've been looking  for a very long time
and most grateful to have found the ones that speak to my heart.

Thank you Anita for the beauty of your heart and soul
radiating from your gorgeous jewelry work. 
I really enjoyed shopping with you!

Blessing for the future 

Thank you Myra & Glen for a lovely last supper.  Oh So Yummy Soup and fresh trout - good catch Glen!  I am most grateful for your abundant generosity in receiving me into your home, welcoming me into your community, and supporting my journey in a multitude of ways.  Thank you again Betty for being the bridge of connection.  My computer and car are as grateful as I!   

* So glad we watched the DVD "Globalized Soul": Stories from the Tipping Point to a New World - Weaving Stories of empowered peacemakers around the planet. Stories in which hatred and suffering transform into love and caring.  HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!!!! to all reading this blog.


The other night at the Jemez Harvest Gathering, I met Troy ( Red Mountain Potter).  When it came  his time to share in the circle gathering, he spoke these words:

"I have sacrificed who I am for money and cannot do it anymore."

As these words spilled out from Troy's lips, the power of  deep emotions were released as he claimed his truth, and all of us in the community circle celebrated his decision.  Now More Than Ever It Is Time To Release All Fear And Be True to Who We Are!

Having had the opportunity to visit Troy's home the other day, it is clearly evident that he is an amazing artist, as is his Mom and Dad.  For years he has struggled and straddled carving out the time to immerse himself into that which he is most passionate about alongside a full-time "job."  It's an age old story.  Following and trusting your heart is not an easy choice. It takes a great amount of courage to stand up to the collective consciousness of a fear-based/money #1 driven society which dictates people's lives/moment to moment choices.

What about the quality of living?
The recognition and remembrance of why we are here?
The contribution of our unique soul's gifts and the fulfillment of one's soul path?
The joy of living our joy and creative passion?
The peace, health and well-being of honoring who we are?
The commitment to that which is the Highest Choice for the Highest Good?

To watch Troy's release and stand to be alive again was so transforming for all of us to witness.  Another Truth Stands Up!  YES!  To celebrate Troy's courageous leap, he even embraced a new puppy to begin his new life of Highest Choice.

 Here's to the POWER OF COURAGE & TRUTH!

Congratulations Troy!

The Dance of Shadow & Light


reflected on Mountain, Mesa and Desert

has caught my eye more than ever before

intrigued by its symbiotic union

where one cannot exist without the other.

A beautiful dance

A beautiful play 

11/16/12 - Thanks to Myra, this morning I had the opportunity to go to Jemez Springs Day School on the Jemez Pueblo reservation.  Observing the children was a gift to behold. Spent a couple hours in the library where posters on walls and specific books consumed my attention.

This familiar quote by Sitting Bull pierced me strongly.  
"Let us put our minds together and see what life we can make for our children.
...and my heart responds, "What am I doing?"  "What can I do?"

I feel strongly that I am doing what I am meant to do and yet there is an energy pull guiding me to really truly hear Sitting Bull's message that I find myself interpreting in this moment as a plea.

In the afternoon, had a hair trim and received a tarot reading which confirmed my inner truth and intuitive hunches.  Thank you Lara ~ not only for the supportive reading but also for the wonderful energy with which you deliver your service.  Thanks Glen, for the trim and being the bridge of connection with Lara.
 Look who I got to meet!

Surrounded by this red land that I love, I've been feeling the urge to get my hands on some clay and it appears that I have manifested an opportunity with Red Mountain Potter. I shall see what comes to be.

As the weather continues to turn colder, I am not yet clear whether to move on toward warmer climate or stay a while longer in this region where there is so much more I want to explore.
Unfortunately the sage brush that I wanted so much to smell in the airis gone for the season.
As disappointing as that is, I continue to abide in and aspire to practicing inner peace step-by-step, breath-by-breath.

It is a delicate dance I am living
knowing when and where to stay
and when and where to move on.
It works best when I honor the flow
that rises from within each moment...

I have been staying with friends
and now change beckons me again
It is in the air I breathe... I feel it
and allow it to have its way with me.
A time for quiet is drawing near
A place of undisturbed harmony
where I can be alone a while
for deep soul diving
surrendering to the dance in me.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

11/15/12 - Had breakfast at a Jemez Springs restaurant.  I surprised myself when I put Chilula hot sauce on my burrito.  I tried it in the spirit of openness.  Typically, I wouldn't even consider it.

Today's reminder
Change yields Openness/ Openness yields Change
even in the smallest and seemingly insignificant ways

Ahhh......the sun is brightly shining ~ the warmth is blessing my body and soul.

Tonight I am attending a community Giving Thanks event where the Jemez community is invited to bring along food stories, poems, songs, jokes, and of course gratefulness.

Excerpts from Jemez Thunder newspaper article
Jemez Giving Thanks  by Rabbi Shefa Gold:

"Gratefulness as the Foundation of Practice - For Jews, the first prayer of the morning says, I gratefully acknowledge Your Face.  The word face in Hebrew is plural, so even more literally Your Faces.  This is the formula for awakening. The very first thought as I emerge from sleep:  When I open my eyes, I will see Your many Faces, God. You wear the mask of this world.  I am so grateful to be able to recognize You. Today I promise not to be fooled by your elaborate and imaginative disguise.  I will see and acknowledge You everywhere and in everyone.
By waking up in gratefulness, we set the tone for the day; we step into a particular groove; we open our eyes in search of both the obvious and the hidden blessings that God has set before us.  
Meister Eckhart said, If the only prayer you ever say is 'Thank you,' that would be enough.  That one small thank you opened the door to an encounter that changed my life by showing me what prayer can accomplish.  I will never again settle for nice, easy, sweet, comfortable words that decorate an abstraction, when I know that real meeting is possible.  
Gratefulness is the foundation of my practice, because it wakes me up and gives me the strength and clarity to face my challenges, resistances and obstacles.  Gratefulness gives me access to the gifts I'll need to meet those challenges.  
The flow of gratefulness begins with a sense of surprise.  You might be stopped in your tracks by a rainbow or a sunrise or the most ordinary sight of a child playing, or your partner deep in thought.  Unexpectedly, the beauty, poignancy, sweetness and depth of a moment touches you and you are suddenly ALIVE; the world around you takes on a shimmer and a mystery.
Gratefulness, beginning in surprise, gradually expands into a sense of wonder.  When you are in a state of wonder, you remember what a miracle this life is.  You are able to enjoy the absurdities; you let yourself be astounded by the enormity of Creation; your mind is blown by synchronicity and a glimpse of the infinite. Then your heart opens.  From a state of wonder, it's impossible to judge another or commit a crime against this amazing Creation.  Living in this way we look for ways to respond to this gift of life that we are given.  Our eyes are opened to the suffering around us and we realize that we are not separate from then, we are all a part of this gorgeous tapestry... and as even one thread unravels, the whole pattern is diminished.  Instead of judging one another we begin serving one another.  We look for ways to give in response to how much we have received."

 I AM open to the present moment and meeting the face of God
the many faces of God.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

11/14/12 - Quiet Day.  This evening I saw a film called "Dirt!"  A story with heart and soil. 

This Movie is an insightful and timely film that tells the story
of the glorious and unappreciated material beneath our feet.

Inspired by William Bryant Logan’s acclaimed book Dirt: The Ecstatic Skin of the Earth, Dirt! The Movie takes a humorous and substantial look into the history and current state of the living organic matter that we come from and will later return to. Dirt! The Movie will make you want to get dirty!

Check out the trailer at www.dirtthenmovie.org

Watching this DVD powerfully
 and seriously
 reminds us what really matters!

11/13/12 - Another powerful day.  Glen very generously offered to drive me 3-1/2 hours one way to Chaco Canyon, an ancient sacred site not to be missed. I certainly embraced his invitation.  Glen being the kind of guy that dots the i's and crosses the t's discovered that a tire in his truck was leaking.  What a blessing to discover this now before we drive to desolate lands.

Passing through Jemez and Navajo lands, the realization that I am heading to the remains of a lost civilization of high-desert landscape where long winters, short growing seasons, and marginal rainfall make it an unlikely place for a major center of ancestral Puebloan culture to take root and flourish.  Yet this valley was the center of a thriving culture 1,000 years ago. 

The Chacoan people's cultural flowering began in the mid 800s and persisted over 300 years.  In the 1100s and 1200s change came to Chaco.  New construction slowed and Chaco's role as regional center shifted.  Its influence continued at Aztec, Mesa Verde, the Chuska Mountains and other centers to the north, south and west. In time the people shifted away from Chacoan ways, migrated to new areas, reorganized their world and eventually interacted with foreign cultures. The descendants are the modern Southwest Indians.  

All 20 Pueblos of New Mexico and the Hopi regard Chaco and the Four Corners area as part of their ancestral homelands.  Many clans trace a direct relationship to Chaco.  The Pueblos of Acoma, Zia, Cochiti, Laguna, San Felipe, Santo Domingo and Zuni all have oral traditions that tell of clans migrating from Chaco and the surrounding areas.  Ten Hopi clans trace their ancestry to Chaco.  Chaco is honored in the prayers and songs told in many Puebloan languages, a deeply spiritual place to be honored and respected.  To this day, many Navajo families live in the surrounding areas.

Arriving at Chaco, after briefly stopping at the visitor center, Glen and I began to walk about the ancient ruins.  Listening within, I heard the ancestors spirits whispering to tread lightly.  My body responded in deep reverence.

As you look at the photos, you will no doubt see faces (guardians) in the rocks, remains of temples once towering several stories high with several hundred rooms, and many kivas, the largest of which is included below.
 Traditional residential structure of the Navajo people. Although Navajo people also build and, at times, reside in sweat houses, underground homes, and summer shelters, the hogan is the most frequently used structure. In the Navajo religion, it is considered to be a sacred space.
There are two types of hogans: the “forked stick” and the “circular” hogan.
Circular hogans like the above above are known as the “female” hogan. It differs from the forked stick variety because it does not contain a vestibule and it much larger in size. These structures are used as the primary homes for the Navajo people. Inside, cooking, domestic craft work, and friendly entertainment takes place, and there are also spaces for children to play. 


Pueblo Bonito
Archeologists call Pueblo Bonito a "Chacoan great house."  This monumental public building served surrounding communities and the region when Chaco was a major center of Puebloan culture between A.D. 850 and 1150.

 Kiva (NOW)
Kivas embraced many roles, including ceremony, administration, trading, storage, hospitality communications, astronomy and burial of the honored dead.  Only a small portion seems to have served as living quarters.


From the remnant walls and foundations, imagine the building in use.  More than 600 rooms towered four and five stories above the valley floor, covering 3 acres.  The unique geometry enclosed to plazas with dozens of ceremonial Kivas.  Straight avenues linked the building with nearby and distant great houses.
 Kiva (THEN)


Sun is setting....casting light and shadow
 time to depart...
 Thank You Chaco Canyon

 For most of my adult life, my remembrance of living in times such as this has permeated the memory and senses of my current lifetime. To be amidst a place that stirs my blood and strengthens my bones is reawakening me to the Ancient Vision & Voice that I honor within Me as Wisdom.