Saturday, September 1, 2012

8/28/12 - I'm in Arlington, Virginia - the land of multicultural living. It feels great to be back in the land of multicultural diversity.

Marya, you and I intended before I arrived to create our time together powerfully and playfully and that's exactly what came to be. The pics below say it all!

 Swinging in the park - a favorite thing to do!


What a blessing to behold this amazing mermaid sculpture, reminiscent of Makana's energetic playful presence with us day and night.  What an extraordinary gift of art to have in your sacred sweet abode!

Even though I don't have a photo, I shall always remember the night we improv danced in the waterfall fountain in the midst of Georgetown that hot summer evening.

We'll always remember this spontaneous photo shoot dancing to the sound of Usher at the shopping mall. I usually don't go to the mall and I've never danced in a dressing room before!  One never knows what can happen when two free spirited sisters get together!!!
That was so awesome!!!

Marya, so glad we bought these matchy-matchy green dresses...
and what a sale!!!! --- we rocked it sistah!
We WILL be wearing these in Kauai together someday!!!

A mermaiden's Top priority - swimming in the pool twice a day.

Celebrating a monumental moment ~ Lessons from the lifeguard on how to swim as if I have a mermaid tail ~ YES!!!

Dogs Dogs and more Dogs.....
The closing of pool season with the
annual dog swim was a blast to watch!

Marya & Madina,
One word to describe our unified connection POTENT!  Here's to the Power of Sisterhood & Divine Grace!

Yonina, what a blessing to finally meet you!
 Treasuring our day together.
Thank you Marya for bridging us together!

Meandering through Botanical Gardens
in Washington, D.C.
        oooing and ahhing in flora bliss!
        imagining ourselves in Kauai and fairyland!
        ... i'm sure you can tell...

                                   What a glorious day of communing with the plant world!

 Sending good juju to the Capitol
to serve the highest good of all!


 A visit to the National Museum of the American Indian.
If any of you readers are in the Washington, DC area,
note that "A Song for the Horse Nation" is on exhibit
now through January 7, 2013.  An epic story of the horse's influence on Indian tribes from the 1600s to the present.
A wonderful exhibit!

Marya, remember those awesome Native American dishes we had
at the museum.  The leek dish, Quinoa and veggie dish, the tomato, potato, corn, potato dish, and my absolute favorite Mussel soup --- That was so amazing!!!!!! Craving it NOW!

I am Native American even though I appear white.
This knowing pulses through my blood
drawing on other lifetimes I have lived.
Upon gazing at this sculpture
my body insisted on being part of it.
For those of you who may not know
I am one with many names.
           Renya Rainbow Feather

*Marya, Our dynamic kinship and combined energies certainly know how to collaborate playfully, powerfully & gloriously! We had an OUTRAGEOUS time! The spirit of fire has set us ablaze!

                                                                    Speaking of firey ~~~

I wonder what's awaiting for us next time?  No doubt our Aloha Fire Spirit will continue weaving until we meet again!                                                                           
                                                                                                       Mahalo dear sister* 

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