Wednesday, October 31, 2012

10/31/12 - Halloween

 I've never been into traditional Halloween fanfare, although this recognized holiday does hold special significance for me in another way.  Tonight is when the veil between the worlds is most thin, where souls in this world and beyond are closest.  I use this Hallows opportunity to commune with my beloved ones in the heavens.

Following all the burning of brush yesterday, I see very puffy eyes gazing back at me in the mirror this morning.  I'm happy to hear that today's wwoofing chores will involve the element of water and plants, giving my eyes a day of rest before continuing with the much more needed brush clearing and exposure to the roaring bonfire.

Today's opportunity:
I've always wanted to milk a cow or goat and today was the day!  Betty showed me how to milk Daisy Mae!  Fresh goat milk and yummy homemade yogurt!

I just had a notion, I will make a yummy stirfry dish with lots of orange peppers and carrots this afternoon to celebrate the popular color of this day.

 Today seems to be a networking day.  The Rainbow Connector in me invites you to be inspired.  Check out the below quotes and website. 

Thank you Maia for passing on these following quotes:
 Whether a woman knows it or not, she is a vessel of great magnitude born capable of reshaping humanities destiny if she only knew the true depths of her innate gifts. Be prepared now to see the fierce face of the feminine rock as her inner geographies of volcanic strength erupt from a love she has held in her belly for life all of her days. This is not a gasp of her last breath. It is her birthing cry into her wise leadership on our planet.-ALisa Starkweather
"maybe being brave is no more than
staring down the 'less than' feeling
and stepping up to the 'i am worthy' feeling."
                        -terri st. cloud

I alone cannot change the world, but I can cast a stone across the waters to create many ripples.”           -Mother Teresa

Thank you Gabriele for forwarding this amazing story:
Aergia (meaning divine daughter) ... is on a truly remarkable journey walking across the Appalachian Trail extending through Winter from Georgia to Maine from October, 2012 to April, 2013.    

To find out more about her story and purpose (and I recommend you do!)
Google: Aergia walking the Appalachian Trail


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