Wednesday, October 31, 2012

11/1/12 - Happy Rabbit Rabbit Day!
"Rabbit rabbit rabbit" is one variant of a common British superstition which states that a person should say or repeat the word "rabbit" or "rabbits", or say the phrase "white rabbits", or some combination of these elements, out loud upon waking on the first day of the month, because doing so will ensure good luck for the duration of that month. Today, it is a frequent tradition in many English-speaking countries.
 Renya Rainbow Feather (one of my many names) is enjoying myself immensely in the animal pen with goat, chickens, roosters and ducks foraging an abundance of beautiful feathers. In the moments in between gathering, I am consciously switching gears from my action self into my observer self to watch the animals with eyes of learning and fascination.

Mellow Day ~ Off now to water plants and rock in the hammock ... my summer tan has disappeared ... I need some color.

 t-shirt message:

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