Sunday, October 14, 2012

10/15/12 - Experienced a church service at Unity Memphis today.  A lovely church referred to as "The Light from the Hill."  There are other Unity Churches in Memphis, but this is the one that grabbed my attention.  For those of you reading this who may not know about Unity Church.  The Unity movement was founded by Charles and Myrtle Fillmore in 1889 as a healing ministry based on the power of prayer and our thoughts creating our reality.  I've always felt strong kinship with Unity Churches and the premise on which it stands, and found myself there today because Spirit encouraged me to attend.

Julianne, Business Manager,  my first introduction to Unity Memphis in Cordova

Sunday morning service opened with a lovely rendition of Stevie Wonder's "How Sweet It is"  by Ladon Jones.  Incredible opening song!  Listening to Ladon sing and watching his musical passion lifted me up off my seat so to speak, making me realize how much I enjoy singing and choose to do more of it.  I invite you to check out Ladon's website where you can listen to some of his song selections at

Shortly after the service's opening song, there's a part where everyone is invited to turn around to welcome one another.  It turns out that the woman seated directly in front of me named BJ has traveled the country extensively, and very familiar with the primary route I am traveling.  Our faces met and soul recognition amplified.  We both felt this sacred kinship connection and tomorrow I will be spending the day with her.  Looking very forward to that!!!  Lots of adventurous playtime and story swapping I'm sure!

Thank you Unity for today's message:  The Power of Zeal - I use my gift of Enthusiasm to propel me to achievement in all Endeavors.without a doubt it has affirmed for me the following:

My Zeal for Honoring Spirit and Loving Earth is propelling me to drive across country to share my passion and enthusiasm for living in the moment and the incredible power of joy, wonderful surprises, blessings and possibilities that arise in each unscheduled moment!  My inner light is glowing to share this message through the power of my creative presence and spiritual essence wherever hearts, homes, churches, communities are open to receive me without requiring advance scheduling.

It seems that my presence on this trip is planting a new seed of how to 'behold' (a different energy than connecting)' and collaborate with one another in a different way.  Daily life becomes so scheduled that we fail to experience the wonderful surprises being made available to us ... we're so busy keeping schedules, bopping from one thing to the next that we fail to notice.  No judgment here, it's simply that I am able to see this now with the current life rhythm Spirit has called me to live.
All those metaphysical books through the years spouting the concept of Living in the Moment means nothing if we don't allow ourselves to be open to it. As a Bard for the Awakening New Earth this is my invitation to those who can meet me there.


While looking at books in the Unity bookstore, I met a lovely man named Stephen and his beautiful wife Diane... guess what?  They were visiting Unity Memphis from Ledyard, CT!  The feeling of unified love rushed into me at that very moment, instantly feeling the bond with all my beloved family and friends at home in Connecticut! What a joy to meet up with you!

Wait! Wait! there's more.... after service I enjoyed meeting Keita!   


Embodying precious moments with you was a joy! honor! & delight!
From the power of our exchange
I am propelled forward with greater courage & trust in
sharing the sacred gifts I carry!
As I look back to the beginning of this day, it's difficult to imagine now that I arrived at the church this morning at 10:30 and didn't leave until 3:45.  Then again, this is what happens with soul connections. When you come together it's a grand reunion of  recognition where Namaste rings clear like a bell; where the inner knowing of Divine Presence Within Me Greets Divine Presence Within  You. Connecting and weaving soul threads is the gift that I am and it is my work that blossoms and prospers me.

This glorious day has now turned to evening and  I am ready for a meal and sweet integration.


  1. We are honored and graced by your presence with us. :)

    1. Thank you for adding a comment Julianne. You were the first person I contacted at Unity who welcomed me in the gracious spirit of Namaste. While you are at work, I sit in your kitchen leisurely sipping on tea and that incredible homemade bread you offered me. I just might have to cut myself a 2nd piece! I am once again realizing how deeply blessed I am to be meeting kin folk along my journey that see me, and in seeing me, trust me and embrace me. I acknowledge and appreciate yours and Rich's generous invitation to stay at your home.
