Friday, October 19, 2012

10/20/12 - woke up feeling the need to "clean house" again.  So, this morning's pursuit is lightening up my home on wheels.  (this is about the 6th time since I began my travel's two months ago!)  I am happy to report that I succeeded in emptying two more storage bins, one medium sized travel bag, and mailed a box home to CT. There's much more room now and I have pretty much all my belongings in the trunk.  YAHOO!!!  Mission accomplished ~ now it's time to go outside and explore.
Just before heading out, Julianne & Rich showed up after completing a 10K race. 
Here's the happy running couple!

Seeking out an outdoor space to rest landed me at Overton Park - 342-acre public park in Midtown Memphis. The park grounds contain the Memphis Brooks Museum of Art, Memphis Zoo, 9-hole golf course, Memphis College of Art, Rainbow Lake Veterans Plaza, Old Forest Arboretum, Formal Gardens, two playgrounds, picnic areas and a large fenced in area dog park.  Stood by awhile to be entertained by the two leggeds and four leggeds interaction and then pulled out my bamboo mat to rest awhile and enjoy mid-afternoon sun rays.

Seeking out a bathroom as the park bathrooms were locked, I came upon The Brooks Museum - founded in 1916, the oldest and largest art museum in Tennessee, consisting of 29 galleries, art classrooms, a print study room with over 4,500 works of art on paper, a research library with over 5,000 volumes, and an auditorium. The collection has over 7,000 works of art, including paintings, sculptures, drawings, prints, photographs, and examples of the decorative arts.

Beautiful sculptures outside the museum entitled Summer~Spring~Fall (no winter to be found).




As late afternoon came around, soul-powered live gospel music filled the air as a steady stream of cars began filling the parking lot.  Walking about I came upon this rainbow stage. YES! a rockin' community concert! Turns out that this place I happened upon is the famous Levitt Shell Theatre, where Elvis Presley gave his first paid concert on July 30, 1954.  I love meandering ~ it's so much fun seeing what wonderful surprises I shall encounter around the next bend.


In the evening, joined Julianne and Rich for another night of entertainment.  Thank you two again for another gracious night's stay. "Dan In Real Life" was a wonderful movie choice ~ the lemon ginger tea and saltine crackers were exactly what my uneasy tummy needed!

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