Sunday, October 14, 2012

On the Road Again......... It's Saturday 10/13 and I'm on route 40 heading west.  Next stop:
Memphis, Tennessee.  I'm intending to drive 9 hours today to arrive in Memphis before dark.... this is today's aim.

Stopped for gas along the way 
noticed a sign that read Oakdale.  
Thinking of You Nuncia!!!

Just observed a high flying confederate flag along the highway which reminds me that when I was visiting a South Carolina thrift store a week or two ago, I was asked by the cashier where I was from.  When I responded, "Connecticut," she responded, "Oh, your a Yankee!" and then I said, "Yes, I guess I am."  I never really think about Yankee or Confederate. When I hear the word Yankee, the NY baseball team pops up in my mind.  As I travel from North to South, East to West, I am fully aware that this is an opportunity to plant energetic seeds of unified field building between seeming opposites...and so I AM.

WOOHOO!!!!! Tennessee's doorstep (highway state sign) welcomes me!
 Arrived at my destination as intended!  

I have just checked in at Pilgrim House Hostel in midtown Memphis.

 Thank you Gabriele for telling me about this hostel you noticed online.  It's a wonderful hostel! Pilgrim House is a ministry of hospitality and simple living at First Congregational Church, providing an affordable, comfortable, safe, communal space for visitors to Memphis.  They practice recycling, conservation of resources, hospitality, shared daily chores, and a serious commitment to a peaceful, welcoming, and grateful atmosphere.  Pilgrim House shares space with about a community center, has two labyrinths (inside and out) as well as a Global Goods Fair Trade Store.
Upon arrival, you receive a tour, sheets and assigned dorm room.  Check out this fun pillow case I was handed!

For those of you reading this who may not be familiar with hostels, unlike staying at a motel or hotel, hostels are community settings affording the opportunity to meet travelers from all around the world.
 Staying at hostels has the feeling of home and a great way to swap traveling stories and pick up travel tips. For instance, here's one from my roommate Charlie from England (who has traveled extensively and currently enjoying a 2 month visit to various cities in the US)   "Eat when your hungry, sleep when your tired, move on when your bored."  Several other travelers I have met consistently say, "do not rush.... take your time" and my response is, Absolutely! I agree.
Here's the pilgrim house website if you care to take a peek:

During my 2 night stay at Pilgrim House, I was the only grey haired woman (aka the Grey Wise Owl) around. Hostels tend to attract a younger crowd.  Since I have a much younger energy than my documented authenticated age, I feel as tho I fit right in. This beautiful grey hair of mine and the 58 years of wisdom I carry does come in handy by the way.

One night I met Adam. Following a typical introduction, I found myself providing relationship counsel.  Adam has recently lost his first love and my heart goes out to him for I too remember experiencing that pain of love and loss like it was just yesterday.  Adam, you are a beautiful, handsome, caring soul and  I pray that you shall embrace healing strength and encouragement  through the stories and perspective that I offered during our candid visit together. It was a pleasure visiting with you, and thank you for having the trust in me  to give voice to that which is deeply stirring in your heart.  Hang in there brother and remember to go out and explore the things you love to do so that you will draw more resonant people to you!

Following my visit with Adam, I decided to go out for dinner.  There are several great eateries within walking distance, so I decided to head out for a walk to see what I would find. I found a great vegan cafe - a family business - mom was cooking, dad waiting tables, daughter on computer and toddler hither and yon.  Intrigued by the cafe's decor, I took a bunch of photos while waiting for my take out order.

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