My son emailed me that it was National Boss Day and since I'm my own Boss these days, wished me "Happy Boss Day!"
Hearing this thrilled me! For eons it seems, I've energized my heart's longing to work for myself. Years ago, I created a business name called RENYA CREATIONS with hopes of creating a self-sustaining home business. Considering myself highly creative, loving so many things, and doing many different things well, choosing a path of creative perseverance and sticking to it has been one my of my biggest challenges. I also acknowledge years of dealing with low self-esteem, lack of self-trust and leadership, goal-setting, managerial and technical skills, Renya Creations has been more of a fruitful hobby than a business especially when looking at it from an accounting perspective.
It is only now on the road that I am actually embodying a taste of perseverance, one step at a time, along with focused action. I am traveling, connecting, writing, and making prayer bundles. Weaning an abundance of possibilities and way too much multi-tasking down to these manageable choices are allowing me to sprout a vision and water it day-by-day. I've wondered how I could do this for years, and now here I am. My zest and enthusiasm for life is being channeled in a growing focused way and I feel an inner peace and contentment with this choice. I'm actually breathing deeper and fuller as a result knowing that I am traveling with a purpose and focused intent being actualized!
This souljourn adventure I'm on it feels like a dream and I sure am glad to have stories and photos reminding me that YES! it is a dream and I am loving it and living it! I have manifested it into being instead of wondering... what if?
So, my dearest son,
for bringing to my attention and wishing me
'Happy Boss Day'
It feels grand!
I am a Mother, Soul-Inspired Artist/Entrepreneur
sharing my Art and Spiritual Gifts
- On the Road -
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